
In-house productions, are original productions conceptualized, designed and performed solely by us or with guest artists (local or international). Productions can be based on, the traditional 24-Festive Drums style, a concept driven by personal or social issues, a mixture of music/rhythms from different cultures or anything that we feel, is right!

As full time percussionists’ our lives are driven by rhythms, beats and effective music. These are fueled with passion, truth, believes, freedom of expression and movement, the desire to learn/teach and share. Our productions carry these ideas and hopes that our audiences grow with us to live their best life with right attitudes. Our aim is to influence a more connected society and a person’s self-belief is a good place to start.

Art festivals and cultural events
We also perform at local/international art festivals. These are either through our own initiative or via invitation from an organizing body. Some examples of local art festivals are like the Kakiseni International Arts Festival (Kuala Lumpur) 2015, the World Gamelan Festival (Kuala Terengganu) in 2015 and in 2016 the Iskarnival Sama-Sama @ Puteri Harbour cultural event.

We travel to cities in Europe and Asia to attend art festivals or cultural events. International travel is not great on our pockets but the exposure and experience surpasses all the challenges. Needless to say, we enjoy it for many reasons. Festivals are like the Bali Spirit Festival (Indonesia), 33rd Festival Mondial de Folklore de la Ville de Saint Ghislain (Belgium), 35th International Festival “Les Sacres du Folklore” (France) and the Grand Performance Festival with SuperEverything* (Los Angeles) in 2016. One of our favorite destinations is Taiwan which we toured in December 2016 playing at various high schools in various cities around Taiwan.