Hands students concert which involved 120 students performers from award winning drum troupes. On stage for the first time children aged 4 to 18 perform 8 pieces of choreographed Chinese drums and percussion music. Trained by core members of The Hands Percussion Team over the past 6 years. These children bring more then music to their stage debut. Take away with you slices of music and movement as they deliver a delicious variety of sounds, sights and sensations.

5th BOH Cameronian Awards (2006)
- Nominated and awarded for Best Group Performance (Instrumental) – Drum Slices by Hands Percussion Team, musical direction by Bernard Goh
- Nominated for Best Original Composition – Bernard Goh & Hands Percussion Team for Drumbeat Inferno in Drum Slices, musical direction by Bernard Goh
- Nominated and awarded Best Original Composition – Bernard Goh, Fu Chen, Hui Min, Muji Lee and Neo Ong for Emotions in Drum Slices, musical direction by Bernard Goh
- Nominated and awarded for Best Production Values – Drum Slices, musical direction by Bernard Goh
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